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LEO LONGANESI (1905 - 1957)

Born in Bagnocavallo (Ra) and dead in Milan. After his degree in law he starts to work as journalist. Founder and manager of È Permesso, Il Toro, L’Italiano, Omnibus; he also writes with Il Selvaggio for the review Mino Maccari. He joins the literary movement Strapaese. Illustrator and caricaturist. His plentiful production is also near the Italian popular press tradiction: calenders, almanacs, dream-books, playing cards and so on. Exhibitions of his works: in the Galleria del Selvaggio, Florence; then he took part in several exhibitions as Exhibition of Italian 20th century, Milan, Exhibition of the tenth anniversary of Fascist revolution in Rome, first and second Quadriennale, the XIX Biennale of Venice, Exhibition of the Italian design in Berlin. 1941 his private and important exhibition in the Galleria Barbaroux, Milan. After the Second World War he founds and manage the homonymous publishing house. 1950 he founds Il Borghese" and "Oggi".

amintirile se interpretează ca şi visurile
arta este o chemare la care răspund prea mulţi nechemaţi
defectele altora se aseamănă prea mult cu ale noastre
dragostea este așteptarea unei bucurii care, când vine, plictisește
nu libertatea lipseşte, ci lipsesc oamenii liberi
şi totuşi, deasemenea contrariul este întotdeauna adevărat
un intelectual este un domn care trimite la legat cărţile pe care nu le-a citit